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300 Members


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Its great that over 300 sex workers have registered with this site.

Its a pity that more of the members dont contribute something to the forum though. I would think that 50% have never logged on since they joined.

Such is the nature of the job a lot of sex workers are "here today, gone tomorrow" and so a lot of members are no longer "active"

I'm not expecting any of the moderators to do it, sure that they have better things to do, but is it time for a clear out? Any member who has not logged on for the last year or so then remove their profile and log in rights?

Just a suggestion.

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Hija Craig - you make a very valid point!! - sleepyboy & gay romeo etc every 6 months or so send msge 'you have not blah blah' if you do not respond we will terminate your profile - if poss to monitor active members - i suggest any with no activity for 12 months should be advised - do you wish to continue & if yes then get your finger out and contribute!

xxx Michael

Its great that over 300 sex workers have registered with this site.

Its a pity that more of the members dont contribute something to the forum though. I would think that 50% have never logged on since they joined.

Such is the nature of the job a lot of sex workers are "here today, gone tomorrow" and so a lot of members are no longer "active"

I'm not expecting any of the moderators to do it, sure that they have better things to do, but is it time for a clear out? Any member who has not logged on for the last year or so then remove their profile and log in rights?

Just a suggestion.

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The forum stats show 304 members currently, which is slightly misleading due to one or two test accounts existing from when I was testing the initial install.

28 members are marked as "active", which is the number of members who have logged in during the last 30 days. Obviously, some members may use the forums less regularly than that.

I've been debating a clean up for a while and have pruned the database based on the following criteria:

  • User hasn't logged in for 12 months (and therefore it's safe to assume isn't going to log in anytime soon).
  • Has never posted (and therefore existing posts will still be associated to a member).

This has removed 82 members from the list, making the new total membership 222.

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go for it!

the forum stats show 304 members currently, which is slightly misleading due to one or two test accounts existing from when i was testing the initial install.

28 members are marked as "active", which is the number of members who have logged in during the last 30 days. Obviously, some members may use the forums less regularly than that.

I've been debating a clean up for a while and have pruned the database based on the following criteria:

  • user hasn't logged in for 12 months (and therefore it's safe to assume isn't going to log in anytime soon).
  • has never posted (and therefore existing posts will still be associated to a member).

this has removed 82 members from the list, making the new total membership 222.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 3 months later...

Sensible - well done - many come & go - no doubt you have quite an inverted pyramid of most active to least active here - yes I am still very much here!!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Ben maybe this has been raised previously - have you approached Gaydar to request a FREE 'community' profile - there are quite a few - for sexual health & LGBT friendly Police - surely worth a try ? could be a great way to raise the profile of your TERRIFIC forum

Members pruned again. Down from 200 to 189.
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Given that Gaydar's legal department has explicitly written to me to say they will not allow us to promote Good Escort on their platform, citing our sharing of phone numbers as a breach of DPA, I didn't think applying for a community profile would be worth the bother.

I also don't have the time to spend days logged into Gaydar to keep it online.

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